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04.06.2024 - Annoying feelings of missing out


Today I got a thought that something is slowing me in my life. Something small, yep still on the surface, like a splinter stuck in a foot, causing you make every step with caution, anticipating a pain. And while you are shaking taking the next step you could be way further, near the finish line, next pivital point or milestone. The FOMO is boiling inside you, almost burning through your veins, especially when it comes to your lifetime on this planet.

Sounds bad, doesn't it?

But on the flipside, what's the rush? In the end we all gonna be dead and forgoten. You already got in time, where ever you want to be. No matter what. Success, money, power, family, love, your projects, your ambitions - you got them, you have them, you are IT. Everything else is just a game we all playing. Humanity is bored. We are all playing a game. If you think about for some time - it might either drive you insane or you will go full throttle, living the life you want.

I warned you.

In this paradigm FOMO will be annoying, no matter if you will end up in a straitjacket or on a balcony in your condo. The feeling of missed opportunity won't be a fear to you, but annoyance.

Madman won't feel FOMO, because everything to him is a fear.

Grinding person won't feel FOMO, because he/she is focused like a predator on a prey.

And being mental or unstoppable force is nothing, but a CHOICE.

Think about that for a moment and tell to yourself how you feel about it.

Have a great life, everybody.


05.06.2024 - Nobody told me about Id


I will admit it, sometimes I re-live my memories spontaniously. They can be good, they can be bad, but they are not real anymore, it's long gone, right? Right? Well, from the brains' standpoint every memory or fantasy, photo or video seem real.

If while listening a music you already imagining a scene, plot, characters, etc. your brains, your inner primal animal will think it's real, leading to release of energy, emotions, motivation and so on.

In other words, that inner animal is the gaterkeeper that can give you powers to move mountains. But here is the catch - you can't talk or reason with this gatekeeper like you would with your peers or any other person. If you could easily do that kindergartens and babysitting would die as a concept.

Here's an example from my life. One day I got so tired at work, I barely stepped out the office and when I got back home I just fell down on the floor, All I could do is piercing a ceiling with my restless gaze. But suddenly I got a message on my phone, it was from my girlfried. She invited me over to her place and watch some movies together. I sprung up, rushed to a shower, changed my clothes and shortly after I was already over her place, on a couch enjoying an old sci-fi movie with her.

And it works the other way.

I recently have found a song that was pretty up-beat and happy, but I felt weird, like I was enjoying something that I never had to experience myself for all this time... and this is my last moments before I die and fall into oblivion. And now I'm sweeping tears from my watering eyes, taking a break to calm down and get myself together.

Where am I going with this?

Human beings are in the golden spot when we have primal instincts and primitive setup in our brain to survive and easily unlock out potential fully and mind that can dissociate yourself from the primal to control and manipulate it the way it needs when inner animal cannot see the real profits. Nobody told me about Id.


19.06.2024 - Practice kindness and tolerance


The title says it all! No, really, that what you really need in life. The world by itself is very cruel and cold place, here's plenty of stuff going on that may kill your hope in humanity for the rest of your life.

And don't get me started on the Internet!

But I digress. There's one thing that separates great villain from great saviour. The mindsets. They are gonna feel it vs. They will never gonna feel it.

Which one makes your blood boil more?

Which one gives you full rights to act?

Which one echos in your heart stronger?

I'm not the one to judge, really, I understand that everyone have their own reasons to act one way or the other, wheneven can they justify or explain exactly why they do it. Don't feel bad for acting the way you do either, that will only make you a very bitter, sour, melancholic and reluctant person with zero vitality, vigor, maybe valor even. There's no point in self-flagellation, like there's no point on cutting hydra's head off trying to kill it. Strike into the heart. That way you may help yourself.

But let's say you already kind and tolerant to yourself, what about others? They might just lie and just use you, right? To which I say, kindness comes with strength and will. Let me explain a little bit on that.

Imagine a peasant comes to a blue knight to give him a loaf of bread every single day. And then we have a green knight that gives a loaf of bread to peasant.

Here's the question, who is the kind one?

The blue knight, for getting bread for free from poor peasant? The green knight, for sharing his bread with the poor? Or maybe the peasant that gives the little that he have to an armed trained killing machine in shining armor that could slice him without warning?

Hope you read it thoroughly, otherwise, I'm affraid you mired in irony for the past few years.

Have a great life, everybody! I mean it.
